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By Appointment Only

A Deep Tissue Massage
Mobile Massage Available

In Japanese, “Ashi” means “foot” and “atsu” means “pressure.” It is known as “the deepest, most luxurious massage on the planet.”

Ashiiatsu in Piedmont Park at the Green Market Atlanta,GA

Ashiatsu uses gravitational force and gliding effleurage from the therapists feet instead of hands. Parallel bars attached to the ceiling are used for balance & proper weight distribution. The size and padding of clean, sanitized soles, provide a push-pull- pump technique that is not only deeper, but also more comfortable than traditional massage. Feet vs. hands affect the clients’ parasympathetic nervous system greater, allowing them to dive deeper into relaxation.

Therapists can achieve better, more satisfactory results for clients, sustaining fewer injuries to their own muscles & joints. This can be very deep tissue. Lighter pressure can be requested. I change the way I deliver the pressure to make it comfortable for you.